Ambassadors Committee

Ambassadors Committee 

Be the Voice of Members

The Ambassadors Committee serves as a liaison to, and the voice of, our Chapter’s Membership. Ambassadors are responsible for Member engagement and satisfaction. This includes developing and directing engagement strategies for the Chapter that align with initiatives of the Board and CoreNet. While Ambassadors are focused on Member engagement and satisfaction, the Ambassadors Director will work closely with the Membership Director who is charged with Member attraction and retention.


  • Support CoreNet initiatives related to new Members. Welcome and orient new Members; develop tools and practices to support their integration and engagement.
  • Nurture and support Membership; encourage involvement in Chapter and CoreNet events and programs. Foster and develop active Members by assisting them in understanding the resources and opportunities available. 
  • Develop and execute a Member in Transition program to support our Chapter Members, with demonstrated commitment to our profession, while they bridge employment.
  • Develop and execute an End User Engagement strategy to meet the unique needs of this class of Members.
  • Host an Annual End User Forum in each region, prior to August 31st. Coordinate attendance and format with Membership Director and Regional Directors. Provide findings to the Board as a component of the Mid-Year Strategic Planning, to inform and guide programming for the upcoming year.
  • Develop, communicate, and administer the Chapter Membership Survey. Synthesize findings and present to the Executive Committee and Board.
  • Coordinate with Communications and Chapter Administrator to recognize Members in achieving professional milestones, especially CoreNet credentials and Chapter awards.
  • Support Membership Director in fulfilling initiatives related to membership campaigns.
  • Represent the Chapter as ambassador at Chapter, CoreNet Global, or industry events.
  • Obtain sponsorship funding for events. Assist Chapter Administrator with sponsorship collections.

Committee Leadership:

Ambassadors Director

Brian Klinsport 
Recording Academy